Launch editor

Viewing existing annotations

The goal of this test is simply to examine how the Manifest Editor presents existing annotations.


The following Manifests will be used:

  1. (Typical Manifest with no annotations at all)
  2. (Typical Wellcome Manifest with text annos that have already been internalised)
  3. (Typical Wellcome Manifest with text annos that are in external anno pages)
  4. (A Manifest with whole canvas text annotations, internalised (use RS?))
  5. (something else... from NLW?)
  6. (A manifest with annotation on the Manifest but not on a Canvas)
  7. (Ocean Liners)

A Manifest with no annotations

Open Manifest 1 in the Manifest Editor.

Where would you expect to find annotations? Is it clear that there aren't any on this Manifest?

A Manifest with external text transcriptions

Open Manifest 2 in the Manifest Editor.

Try to find the text for the pages. Can you find the text? What's happening in this user interface? What do the different parts mean?

A Manifest with internalised text transcriptions

Open Manifest 3 in the Manifest Editor.

Try to find the text for the pages. Can you find the text? What's happening in this user interface? What do the different parts mean?

What's the difference between Manifest 2 and Manifest 3?

A Manifest with whole-canvas transcriptions

Open Manifest 4 in the Manifest Editor.

Try to find the text for the pages. Can you find the text? What's happening in this user interface? What do the different parts mean?

What's the difference between Manifest 3 and Manifest 4?

A more complicated capture model

Open Manifest 5 in the Manifest Editor.

What annotations are present in this Manifest? What was the purpose of these annotations?

Manifest annotations

Open Manifest 6 in the Manifest Editor.

What annotations are present in this Manifest? What's the difference between these annotations and those in the previous examples?

Ocean Liners

Open Manifest 7 in the Manifest Editor.

What's happening in this Manifest? Can you find the annotations? What is the purpose of the annotations?

© Digirati - IIIF Manifest Editor