Launch editor

Assembling images into a Manifest

The goal of this test is to create a simple manifest out of existing, hosted static images.


You've collected links to some interesting high resolution images and want to turn them into a IIIF Manifest to share with other people.

To start, you need the URLs of 10 hi-res images, in JPEG format. These can be anything - artworks, your own photos - but they need to be on the web already.

A good source might be NASA image galleries, where all the images are public domain.

On this page we have collected 10 image links from the Apollo Image Gallery that you can copy into the Manifest Editor

We recommend opening this page in a separate window now, as further links in the tasks ahead will replace it in the test browser window.

Auto-open URL:


1. Open the Manifest Editor

Auto-open URL:

If you have never been here before, you'll see a Splash Screen, which you can dismiss. If you have been here before, your settings might automatically load the manifest you last worked on.

Either way, start a new Manifest with File -> New, and pick "Blank Manifest".

2. Add canvases

For each of your images, add a new Canvas, one by one. Find the simplest way to add a Canvas. You shouldn't need any information other than each URL in your list.

3. Preview your work

Once you have added 5 canvases or so, see what your work would like in the Universal Viewer, and in Mirador, by using the Preview feature.

Send a preview link to a friend, so they can see what it looks like too. (You can send to yourself for the test).

4. Finish adding canvases

Add the remaining images in the same way as before - as new canvases.

5. Add some descriptive information

Give your Manifest a Label. Give your Manifest a Summary.

Pick a Rights Statement for your manifest from those available.

Give each canvas a Label (it doesn't matter what you call them).

6. Save your work more permanently

While the preview link is useful, it only lasts for 48 hours. This version of the Manifest is integrated with a "permalink" service. Save your work more permanently, and send a link to the saved IIIF Manifest to a friend (or yourself).

7. Re-order the canvases

Re-order the canvases. Try:

  • swapping two canvases
  • moving the last canvas to the start
  • moving a canvas from the middle of the manifest to the end

(hint? - do this in the grid overview)

8. Save again

Save the re-ordered manifest so that it replaces the original version with your original ordering.

9. Now change the order of the canvases again

...and this time save the Manifest to a new URL, so you don't overwrite the previous version. Send both old and new URLs to a friend (or yourself) - as if to ask, "which order do you prefer?"

Final message

Thank you for using the Manifest Editor!

© Digirati - IIIF Manifest Editor